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  • Writer's pictureChristina Scalese RDN LD

Are you at a healthy weight?

You may think you are, but how do you know? I'll tell you this - it's NOT by looking at a BMI chart!

This is a very vulnerable topic for many people. I encourage you to consider the difference between the weight you want to be at, and the weight your body is healthy at. These might be two completely different numbers.

You can tell if you're likely at a healthy weight, one that your body is happy at, if:

👉you can maintain this weight (within a range) consistently and effortlessly

👉you eat in a non-restrictive, yet balanced way

👉you are flexible with your food choices and most often eat an adequate amount (ask yourself if you are too full most of the time or if you rarely allow yourself to feel full at all)

👉you have adequate, consistent activity/exercise that does not feel compulsive

👉you are not constantly preoccupied with thoughts about your body, food or exercise

👉you can live your life without having to obsessively plan around eating and being able to exercise

Remember, issues with food and body are oftentimes masked as “a clean and healthy" lifestyle, one that is praised by society. But there are red flags that may indicate the healthy lifestyle has actually turned into an unhealthy one.

You should be able to engage in life's situations without thoughts, fear or worry about food and your body interfering. You should be able to eat and enjoy food in moderation but with freedom and flexibility.

It's also important to remember that if you were eating restrictively and/or exercising compulsively, but now you are more relaxed and flexible, your weight may naturally have drifted up to where it’s supposed to be - and that's OK and to be expected!

There is so much confusion and judgement around a person's weight, so if you're concerned, either way, it may be time to get the advice and opinion from an expert.

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